Monday, August 17, 2009

Coming Soon to a Theatre near you...

My daughter can hear AND eat with chopsticks! Need I say more ?

Also hope to post a photo gallery of the last month to include surgery and recovery, but just wanted to let everyone know how wonderful she is doing. Ocoee was healed up about a week after surgery, with no complication. Got back to her normal self very quickly.

We notice that she is consistently turning to her name. Yay! She is also consistently saying "Ba ba ba" when she plays with a ball, and "ahuh!" (up) when she wants to be picked up. She is also very vocal when it comes to asking for water, or otherwise making her opinion known. She hasn't come out and said, "it's because I'm 2!" but that's only because her birthday isn't until November :)

On a final note, she is very much enjoying saying the blessing before meals. She uses a very soft tone and babbles the most precious baby jargon you have ever heard.

Hugs~~~ Brinly and Ocoee

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