Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I hear you, Baby!

It's official-- Ocoee has said her first word.

Last night we were looking in the mirror as she was slung on my back. I was waving to her and smiling, saying, "Hi, Ocoee! Mommy sees Ocoee! Mommy sees a ba-by!" She smiled her usual cuteness at me, and then looked at herself in the mirror again. And then we heard it-- "be-be." Looking directly at herself, and jabbering nothing else, she very deliberately pronounced the syllables. [I beckon Noah immediately; You never know what you might be missing!] Then she looked at me and I replied, " Baby, I see a baby. " Then she said it again, looking at herself, "be-be." I could swear she said it a couple more times, but my excitement is blurring the memory :) I commented again, "You said baby! I heard you say "baby." Yay!"

We hoped to catch or recreate it on video, but were unable. She was too enamored by the camera and ready to go to bed.

AMAZING! What's also neat is that "baby" was the first sign she made, back in November. It was around the time we were first testing her hearing, and I watched my mom teach it to her in about 5 minutes. That was the point at which I realized, "if this kid could hear, she'd be talking." I guess grammy picked the right word!

1 comment:

  1. It is always so exciting to hear them say their first word. Congrats!

    Rachel Cohen
